What you say? Twitter? Tagged? Meme? Never you mind. If you're extra curious you can check out those links but here's all you really need to know... Even though I wasn't officially invited by being tagged myself, I've decided to participate in the exercise. I'm supposed to:
- Pick up the nearest book.
- Open to page 123.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the next three sentences.
- Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
Anyway. Where were we? Ah, page 123, where Susan says to Lucy:
I'm dead tired. Do let's get out of this wretched wood into the open as quick as we can. And none of us except you saw anything.Now since I just started reading this again last night, at a 10 month old's pace at that, page 123 is about 121 pages ahead of where I am right now. So, I don't have much to say about the predicament that Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy have clearly gotten themselves into, AGAIN, in the wretched wood. What I can say is that I certainly know how Susan feels. And I ask, when will the older siblings learn? If they'd just listen to Lucy the first time around, pretty much every time, they'd save themselves a heap of trouble.
Now for step #5, like my friend Cara, I'm going to tag some of the people I enjoy on Twitter AND in other realms of the Internet:
chris_bailey also of BaileyWorkPlay.com (Whom is a testament to the smallness of this here Internet.)
writer.baker.musicmaker (Who is a master at all of her chosen endeavors.)
Scott Edward Anderson also of The Green Skeptic and another former colleague (Whom Cara already tagged, but I'm tagging him again. Am I breaking the rules? This is my first time.)
Dinosaur Mom (Whom I wish was on Twitter. Hmmm. Maybe she is.)
Expat with the Elephants (Because I know she'll appreciate this type of thing and give us an excellent post to boot.)
What are YOU reading? I last devoured The Time Traveler's Wife
Why do I want to twitter when I can already waste time so efficiently already?
Trying this comment again! So glad you decided to play and not tagging you in the first place was completely an oversight on my part.
Duh. One of those days.
So what else are you reading? I'm almost done with the squid and am looking for suggestions.
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